Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Absolutely Amazing!!!

Susan and I spent a week in Columbia with Bill & Carol Dew and a team of 20 last month. We saw and experienced things that were just flat out beyond the natural mind.

While Bill was speaking the Holy Spirit told him about a man in the audience. He announced, "there is someone here who had been in accident 5 years ago and you have not been able to use your hands since. God is healing you right now."

A few minutes later, Bill asked for people to come forward who God had healed. In front of me, a man walked up through the chairs staring at his outstretched arms, sobbing. He told the story of how he had been in a car accident five years previous. He broke both his arms, they did not heal properly, and he had not been able to turn his forearms or use his hands since. God healed him entirely instantly!!! WOW!!!

One of our team member prayed with a young girl who had several problems, one of which was that she had not been able to walk. She walked for the first time in her life that night.

I myself seemed to get a lot of people with asthma. The expression of surprise and delight on their faces as their breathing got easier and deeper was just priceless.

God is in a good mood and He is in the healing business!!!

I've been sent some pretty unusual photos from Eagle Rock Christian Center in Peru, IL. All of the following photos came from digital cameras (no film aberrations) and clean lenses.

Some of you may have heard about orbs in photos. They appear to be angelic manifestations. Check this out...
The room in the following photo was dimly lit, and there was no light source in the area where the bright light overpowered the photo.
This following one I just don't get at all. This isn't photoshopped people.
I've talked to some folks who have been studying the relationship between physics and spiritual dynamics. Is the Holy Spirit just playing with His own laws of physics? Just a thought.

Some mighty interesting stories are coming out of Eagle Rock. You may want to go see what is going on up there.

Don't miss out on the upcoming events!!!

  • Leif Hetland is in Ankeny this weekend. Lots of healings been happening there.
  • Gary Ellis is speaking at Eagle Rock this Friday.
  • Kim Clement and Lance Wallnau will be in Chicago this weekend at Chicago Prophetic Blast.
  • Streams Ministries will be back at the Women's Choice Center next weekend to continue training and preparation for the big Bix outreach this summer. If you want to be involved, you need to be there.