Monday, December 10, 2007

What does getting hit in the head with a pipe cutter have to do with God?

We need your testimonies and events. When you hear a great story of God doing stuff, let us know. Let us know as well about any upcoming events in the area.

Send us information at

Several great events are upcoming. Please check out the calendar at

Here are a few examples...

Mike & Cindy Jacobs will be in Des Moines at Iowa Arise! this Friday, December 14th.

Plan ahead… Streams prophetic ministry training is coming to the Quad City area in April and May.

Keep you feet in different streams! This is an excellent way to ensure the fresh water of the Holy Spirit is filling your life.

Christopher Olson from Heartland Assembly of God in Ankeny, IA let me know about their recent meeting with Joel and Linda Budd. Evidently, it was quite the meeting. I hate that I missed it.

Here’s just one comment he sent to me… “One guy, Fred, who has had colon problems for years was totally healed. Another guy, Bob, had been passing blood every day for about 20 yrs. because of colon problems was healed and has not passed blood since.”

November 25th – Howard reported that the previous Sunday, a chronic case of strep throat was starting again. He received prayer from a group at the Sanctuary. The strep was completely healed.

December 9th – Jim was working with his friend Lenny in the previous week to put in a bathroom in Lenny’s basement. They couldn’t find the copper tubing cutter. After searching for the cutter for quite a while, Jim asked God to show him where the cutter was. Jim’s attention was immediately drawn to two coffee cans. He opened one, nothing. He opened the other, nothing. The cutter then dropped from somewhere above and hit Jim square on the head.

December 9th – Last week Bethany was working when God gave her a song to sing. After singing the song through her work day, she ran into a friend who had a cold. She asked to pray for her. She told her the next day the cold was completely gone.

Later in the week she was leaving her church group, Bethany came upon a lady in a stalled van at 9:30 at night. She offered to drive the lady home or pray for her van. Since she was stalled on a snow route, the woman felt she couldn’t leave her van. So Bethany prayed a quick prayer, stepped back, and said “There. Your van should start now!” The lady turned the key, the van started, and she drove off. Leaving, the driver shouted out her window, “God Bless You!”

Send us your testimonies and events!