Friday, November 23, 2007

Area Events Coming Soon

Several great events are upcoming. Please check out the calendar at

Here are a few examples...

  • Tom Stamman will be traveling the area for the next several weeks in multiple locations.
  • Danny Silk of Bethel Church in Redding, CA will be in Valparaiso, IN November 29th thru December 2nd.

Keep you feet in different streams! This is an excellent way to ensure the fresh water of the Holy Spirit is filling your life.

Here is a great testimony sent to us by our great friend Bill Dew…


I know I’ve spoken of this before, but we’re seeing it as so important and so effective. Revelation 19:10 says “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy.” It’s not just a nice little story when we tell what Jesus has done—it literally puts into the spiritual atmosphere that which can be duplicated! So, when we tell the stories, if the person needing breakthrough can grab hold of the testimony and say “He’s no respecter of persons, if He did it for them, He can do it for me,” many times we see the healing occur.


Follow me on this: I’m standing in front of the congregation in Cali, Colombia several weeks ago. I’m telling the story of praying for a group in Manizales, Colombia the year before, under a time limit. So I had the 30+ put their hands on what hurt. I then said I saw some put their hands on their head, some on their shoulder, some on their hip. Now in Cali, as I was mentioning this, I noticed a woman right in front of me in about the 4th row. She had her arm in a blue sling and as I talked about having the people put their hand on a shoulder if it hurt, her arm starting flapping. I pointed at her and said “You’re getting healed, aren’t you?” I knew she was about to pull her arm out of the sling—and she did. When she raised her arm and started waving it, the 900+ present went ballistic. Now, here’s the point.


Ten days later, we went to Davenport, Iowa to minister in a church. When we walked into this church we had never been to before, I noticed a woman with a badge on, like she was in some official capacity—and she had her arm in a blue sling. Many times the Lord uses similar things to speak to us. I had just seen this healed—I have faith for this! And, Psalm 34:7 was coming true—“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” When I first saw her, my heart just went out to her—this just wasn’t right, it was illegal in the Kingdom! Toward the end of the morning service, I called her out and asked if we could pray for her, and she said yes. She explained she had torn her rotator cuff a year before in a fall down some steps, had bone spurs and some other complications. She had surgery 3 weeks before, would have to endure 3 months of physical therapy, and she was still in so much pain she said, “just don’t touch me when you pray.” I had several people I had prophesied and prayed over help me and we basically just prayed around her for about a minute. She had already taken her arm out of the sling and demonstrated her lack of mobility and where the pain would start, so we knew we would have a gauge. I asked her if it was any better and if she could now do something she couldn’t before. When she put her arm straight up, the place went ballistic—sound familiar? WOW, WOW, WOW!

God just continues to amaze us, and we want to continue to be like the little kid in the candy store---wow, God, soooo cool! Next, God gets the opportunity to wow us in Brazil, as we lead a 2 week Global Awakening trip, with Randy Clark coming to join us for the last part of the trip. Be blessed.

Bill & Carol Dew
Dewnamis Ministries, Inc

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Testimonies... God does it for them, He'll do it for you!

Great River Renewal is dependent upon you. We need your testimonies of what God is doing in our area. We need you to spread this to others. Please forward this newsletter to your contact list. We want this newsletter to be gathering from and giving to Christians all over the Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

Email us at and let us know about your testimonies and upcoming events.

We’ve made some changes to Great River Renewal. In an effort to make this better, and make the calendar better in particular; Great River Renewal is now housed at We will still run the email list through inJesus, so you don’t need to make any changes in your subscription. However, you should change your bookmarks for Great River Renewal. So go now to and bookmark that page.

Testimony: Marlene had been diagnosed since childhood with a mitral-valve prolapse. It had unfortunately become such a significant issue that she and her doctor’s were preparing for a medical procedure to correct the problem. Late in October, Marlene was at the Sanctuary in Davenport and went up for prayer, not necessarily for the valve problem. The prayer concluded with something to the effect of “and Lord, give her an overhaul.”

On November 11th, Marlene reported she had been to the doctor’s office earlier in the week. They could find no evidence of the heart condition that she had for over forty years.

Testimony: Ryan is a young man who had been in a very bad car accident a couple years ago. He had been in continual pain for more than two years. Recently, he visited the Sanctuary. During worship, the Holy Spirit led Inga to go pray for Ryan. Later that morning, Gary led Ryan in a prayer for salvation. Inga spoke with Ryan later that week. He said, “I don’t know what you did, but I haven’t had any pain since you prayed for me.”

Testimony: Havilah Jones was recently participating in the All-State Choir festival in Des Moines (Congratulations Havilah!). For hours, she and a couple hundred other students were stuck in metal folding chairs for rehearsal after rehearsal. Sitting next to her was a young man who had problems with his legs that would cause significant pain if he wasn’t able to get up and walk around. That was pretty much impossible when you are in the middle of a sea of students, packed together with no room to stretch your legs, let along walk around. Havilah offered to pray for him which he less than enthusiastically agreed to. She prayed a simple prayer that the pain would leave his legs. At the next break she asked him how his legs were doing. The pain was gone completely.

Testimony: On November 11th, Natalie Schneckloth was at the Sanctuary in Davenport. She responded to a call for prayer that God wants to hear what you want. She and her husband Cory needed a financial breakthrough. On November 18th, Natalie reported that she had just had the most prosperous week in the history of her relatively new Mary Kay business. The normal goal for someone in her position would be 30 meetings in a month. She had 30 meetings that week, and received more business in one week than she had seen in the previous five weeks combined.

Calendar: Several new events have been added to the calendar. The calendar is located at the bottom of the page at .

Iowa Arise! with Mike & Cindy Jacobs is on December 14th in Des Moines.

Check the calendar for more!


Send your testimonies and events to

FORWARD THIS TO YOUR EMAIL LIST! The usefulness of Great River Renewal depends upon how many we can network.

Bill Johnson just published his monthly newsletter. Have you ever wondered, "Does God ever make someone sick?" Bill addresses that question in this newsletter.

And there is a great message you can download for free. I highly recommend you check this out.

Click Here to go to Bill's newsletter.

Monday, November 5, 2007

River of The Holy Spirit

Here in the Upper Midwest, our area is dominated by one geographic feature… the Mississippi River. Mississippi means “Great River”. But did you know that it hasn’t always been called Mississippi?

In May 1541, the great Spanish explorer Hernando DeSoto became the first explorer to document the Great River. The first name DeSoto gave to this river was Rio de Espiritu SantoRiver of the Holy Spirit.

We’ve made some changes to Great River Renewal. In an effort to make this better, and make the calendar better in particular; Great River Renewal is now housed at We will still run the email list through inJesus, so you don’t need to make any changes in your subscription. However, you should change your bookmarks for Great River Renewal. So go now to

and bookmark that page.

Testimony: Mitch and Inga Stohl told us an incredible story of reconciliation and healing at The Sanctuary this past Sunday.

Inga was contacted by her ex-husband several weeks ago. He had been recently diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma cancer. He was in need of a bone marrow transplant and wanted to ask his daughters to consider being tested. What for many would have been an opportunity for the devil to exacerbate old wounds, turned out to be a great time of reconciliation between Inga, her daughters, and her ex-husband.

While visiting him in the hospital, Inga and Mitch prayed for him that a large tumor on the side of his neck would be healed. The tumor completely disappeared in a couple days.

Mitch and Inga also prayed with their prayer group that his disability income that was being held up by the state would come through. The money was released to her ex the next day, and it was more than he expected.

Testimony: A friend of mine from the Quad Cities area visited Heartland Assembly in Ankeny last week and met with some of their folks trained in Sozo Ministry. Sozo is a model of deliverance and inner healing that relies on the active direction of the Holy Spirit. She was thrilled with the experience and got set free from problems plaguing her since childhood. In addition, the meaning of a vision that the Holy Spirit had been revealing to her for almost forty years was finally revealed to her.

Keep your feet in different streams!

There is a great resource on the Web available to everyone from Bethel Church in Redding, CA. You can download the Sermon of the Week for FREE. Each week, Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, and others bring some very powerful messages. If you are interested in what God is doing in this world today, I highly recommend you take advantage of this resource.

Click Here

Calendar: Several new events have been added to the calendar such as the Bound4Life events in December, and the QC Prayer Drive this week.

The calendar is located at the bottom of the page at .


Send your testimonies and events to

FORWARD THIS TO YOUR EMAIL LIST! The usefulness of Great River Renewal depends upon how many we can network.