Friday, October 26, 2007

Upcoming Events & Subscription Info

Upcoming Events & Subscription Info
Scott Anderson
Oct 26 2007 11:08AM

Upcoming Events

October 27th -- Tom Stamman will be in New Milford, IL (between Rochelle and Rockford) on Saturday, October 27th, at Water of Life. The meeting starts at 7pm.
Water of Life
2420 New Milford Church Rd
New Milford, IL 61109
(815) 873-9656

[ Yahoo! Maps ]
Map of Water of Life Ministries
2420 New Milford Church Rd, Rockford IL

For those of you not familiar with Tom, here is the link to his website...
November 8-10 -- Rob Stearns and Eagles Wings will be hosting Overcoming Faith Chicago on November 8-10 in Bolingbrook, IL. Speakers will include Lou Engle, David Butts, and Julie Meyer.

For more information, check out the Eagles Wings website.

November 9th -- On Friday, November 9th, our friends at Heartland Assembly of God will be hosting Joel & Linda Budd. The meeting will start at 7pm.

Heartland Assembly Church
1212 NW 36th street
P.O. Box 1024(Mail)
Ankeny, IA 50023
(515) 964-3006

[ Yahoo! Maps ]
Map of 1212 Nw 36th st, ankeney, ia

Here is the link to Heartland's website.
Here is the link to Joel & Linda Budd's website.

Check out more upcoming events at

If you know of any events in our area that you would like posted, please send them to me at

Subscription Information

Subscription at Great River Renewal is in two forms. You can be subscribed to the email list, which you are receiving; and you can be subscribed to the email list and the website (a member). It's just the way has their system setup.

To get the most out of Great River Renewal, I suggest that you go to and subscribe to become a member of the site (no cost involved). This way you get the most access to Great River Renewal. You can get easier access to previous testimonies and announcements, and you can post in response.


Last week, I posted some great testimonies from the previous three weeks. You can view them in the Great River Renewal archives.

We want your testimonies! What is God doing in your church? Who do you know that has been healed, delivered, saved, seen a breakthrough? God's doing some great things in our area! Let's hear about them!

Send your testimonies to me at

Friday, October 19, 2007


Oct 19 2007 12:13PM

Welcome to the very first posting on Great River Renewal. WOOHOO!!

Let's hear about some of the great things God has been doing...

Gary Ellis of The Sanctuary in Davenport, Iowa recently returned from a trip to Cali, Columbia with Bill & Carol Dew.

Gary prayed for a man who was blind. He couldn't see four inch letters on a sign ten yards away. Gary laid hands on his eyes and prayed for him. The first time his sight was better. So Gary prayed again. The second time it was really better. Gary walked him to the platform to report his testimony, while walking to the platform the man's eyes cleared to 100%.

A man came to one of the meetings in Columbia who had been in an accident six years before. He had not been able to get around without help and had been bound to a wheelchair for years. He was dramatically healed in the middle of the teaching while Bill instructed the man's wife to pray for him. The man walked to the platform saying out loud "Wow! Wow!".

While Bill was relaying the story of a woman who had her shoulder healed, another woman with her arm in a sling began swinging her arm around and around which had been immovable when she came to the meeting.

While ministering in Muscatine two weeks ago, Gary saw one woman get healed of chronic back problems. Another woman had an arm that was broken and had a steel rod in her arm. She couldn't lift her arm above her head. While praying for her, the woman lifted her arm effortlessly above her head. She hadn't been able to do that in two years. Another woman in Muscatine had her hip healed and was able to walk without pain for the first time in years.

Three weeks ago at the Sanctuary while arriving a meeting, we learned that the daughter of one of our friends became terribly ill and they rushed her to the hospital. Our church began praying and declaring the young girl healed. The next week Trish relayed how her daughter suddenly became well at the same time we were praying. The doctor's could not explain what happened.

For years and years and years, Denise McNeal wanted to know who her biological parents were, but could not get any information out of the state about the adoption. Four weeks ago she mentioned to a state worker about a life-threatening disease she had 10 years earlier. The state worker said they could use that as an excuse to get at least some information. That information was all Denise's daughter needed to finally put all the puzzle pieces together. Three weeks ago Denise finally had the opportunity to meet her birth mother and the family she never knew she had. What the devil tried to use to kill her, God turned around into one of the greatest blessings of her life.

Natalie Bickford received prayer to be delivered from fear at the recent meetings with Bill & Carol Dew. She has now been sleeping through the night with no nightmares for the first time in over ten years.

Two weeks ago, Phil Benson had a dramatic encounter with God at the Sunday service at the Sanctuary. The following week, Phil reported that he had been suffering from terrible leg cramps every night for the past 15 years. He has not had any leg cramps since receiving prayer and has been sleeping throughout the night.

Havilah Jones was prayed for at the Good News Center about two and a half weeks ago. She had been suffering from asthma and had to take treatments regularly. She was completely healed and hasn't had a problem with asthma since.

PRAISE GOD!!! Do It Again GOD!! Do It Again!!

Send me your testimonies. Let's here what God is doing in our region!