Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Post Bix 2008

Can you imagine non-Christians lining up at your door waiting to hear what God had to say to them? If you were at the Bix Fest this past month, you don't have to imagine it; we witnessed it.

Here are a few takes on the Bix Outreach last month...

From Cheryl Lockett --

Scott, where would I begin? I learned SO very much at the Bix Outreach! I learned about myself, personally. I learned and learned and learned and learned about my God and how to minister to a lost and dying world "under cover". I now prefer stealth action vs. right out in the open ministry!

I have been seeking God for a successful way to minister and I have found it. To allow God - the creator of the universe - enough space in me to be able to receive revelation about another human being, share it in an unthreatening way, and then watch as their world crumbles around them and a realization of a God who is actually greater than they are take place was absolutely amazing.

I learned so much watching Reesee and the accuracy that he has in the spirit. The humility that I saw with all of the leaders ministered to me as well.

To say that I "have been spoiled" as Danette kept saying we would be would be an understatement. :-)

There were so many people I was on a team with that ministered to me, but I think the one that ministered most to my soul was the four teenagers right before we left on Saturday evening. Jill, Ashlyn, Lacey, and a young man. To see how the three of us worked together as a team - each coming with pieces of the spiritual readiings was awesome. To see how each one of the four teenagers got ministered to was amazing. To see two of the four of them break in to tears - with the accuracy that we were exhibiting. Wow. I never knew that the God in me could be that accurate. I never knew. I've always wondered, questioned, knew that the revelatory is a part of who I am - but to actually see it in action was pretty amazing and humbling. It really is not about us. It is totally about God!

From Ellen Cooke --

I am just so thankful to have been a part of this outreach....God is
so good, so gracious, so faithful, and so loving in working in and
through us to bring light, love, encouragement, hope, and blessings to
each person who came to the tent. The stories are too numerous, yet
they have one main thing in common, god's love threads through all of

I know at one point on Saturday, I felt that I was standing under a
portal of joy. There was no stopping of the laughter and joy.......
Roger can attest to that.

Thanks for all you have done to bring this event to be...



From Gary Ellis --

One thing that impacted me as much or more than anything else was the fact that the things spoken that seemed so simple and not deep at all had such an impact on many of the people being read. I was privileged to be in the first team that did the first reading of the first day with David and I think Cathy. The middle aged lady that sat down was visibly moved. She left saying that “the reading” was the best thing that happened to her in a long time. It started by David seeing a vision of a suitcase covered with travel stickers. She said, “I am here for a visit but I live in Cairo , Egypt . I was in Paris last week, and will be in London next week. We were able to give her some significant words of encouragement that really touched her heart. So much so that she sent a friend to sit in who was equally impressed and blessed.

I also had an experience with being on a team where a Reiki Healer brought a friend of hers. She came in large and in charge and left shaken by the experience from what Tara said about a conversation she later had with her. Also, the Psychic who had a booth came by ours. Recie brought her over to our team. She was basically there to challenge us, but it was a good learning experience.

Also another man who said he was a clairvoyant for the past 15 years came to our team. His motive was to actually promote himself, and show us that he could read us which he kept insisting on doing but which we finally asked him politely to move on. Again, according to Recie, this was excellent training in how to respond to serious Psychics and New Age schooled people.

We actually had the opportunity to “speak blessings over” (pray) for several people which deeply touched them. Some seemed pretty general and light, but some words from teams I was in went very specific and deep and were accurate enough to cause great reactions of surprise from them. In those cases, we asked why they thought we were so accurate, and then said it was because the Creator really wants them to know that He knows them and cares about them. All it all, it was a very exciting couple of days.


From Marcia Moore –

Being a part of the Bix outreach was an incredible experience. I’ve been involved in ministry for over twenty years and am always excited to see the Lord work in new ways. I had the privilege of being taught “Power Evangelization” by John Wimber in the ‘80’s which was very exciting for that time. I see this new wave of evangelization as needed for this time. Revelatory evangelization makes so much sense because it meets each person individually where they are.

I know it was the Holy Spirit that led me to John Paul’s website in February where I amazingly discovered ‘The Art of Hearing God’ being offered right here in Bettendorf Iowa . When I first heard Tara mention the Bix, I had no idea what she was talking about but something quickened in my spirit and I knew I had to be a part of that. It was a humbling yet exciting experience to see the power of God working time after time with the people that came for a “word.”

The Lord’s sense of humor was displayed for his people when I spoke out words like, “cheerleader, basketball and percolator” and watched their reaction. There were two particular situations where I felt the people were sent directly to the team I was with. One was late Saturday night while there were 9 teams working and a waiting line. I saw a very oppressed looking woman waiting in line. She looked as though she had had a very difficult life and I would have guessed her to be my age or older. She introduced herself as Karen. She began telling us her story and really wanted counsel and advice. I did not recognize Karen as someone I have known since before she was born! As she spoke her voice sounded familiar but looking at her, I would have never guessed it was the sweet young woman with sparkle in her eyes that I once knew. I looked intently at her and the Holy Spirit prompted me, “Ask her if she knows you.” This was truly a witness to the power of God as I explained to her that it was no accident that she ended up at this place at this time with the team I was working with. The team gave her encouraging words and I offered to counsel with her later. I ask for prayers for her that she will come and that God will restore her life.

The other situation that was to powerful for me was a young married Hispanic couple with a baby. The wife came for a spiritual reading then the husband sat down and at first seemed reluctant but when he heard what the team had to say to his wife, he wanted a spiritual reading as well. After some conversation with the team, she said that she was raised Catholic and he also had been raised Catholic. She said she has a desire to develop her spirituality but he was resistant, particularly to church. One of the team members began talking to them when the Spirit rose up in me. I told them, “I am a Catholic and I love the Lord and the Holy Spirit.” It’s not about religion, it’s about relationship. I did not find that in the Catholic Church but I now am able to bring that light, that love, into my faith, into my church. I encouraged them to develop their relationship first and see where the Lord leads them. I know I said more than that and I know it was not me speaking. They left with gratitude and smiles. I pray they will seek and find relationship with Jesus and know He will lead them.

The last thing I want to say is that I met so many wonderful, loving people on the team. It was an honor to work with each person that I was teamed with and I pray that this is just the beginning!


Marcia Moore

This is the Kingdom! This is what we are supposed to be about! Show the world the Kingdom and they will line up to experience it.

We are in the days of Ezekiel's River, not the Pool of Bethsaida. At the Bethsaida, the world must come to a specific place and wait for something supernatural to happen. In Ezekiel's River, the supernatural flows out of the Temple and gets wider and deeper the further it goes.

So where's your river? Where do you want to go to get into the deep and wide?


Bill Johnson has an excellent message this week on what has happened with Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Outpouring. To listen, follow this link.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Big Bix Fest Outreach - Need your help

The big Bix Fest outreach is only about three weeks away. We can use your help if you're available. We need people who will shuttle people downtown. Now it's not an all day thing, there will be shifts and you'll only be driving at assigned times; so it's easy to plan around.

Do you have any time available from July 25th through the 27th. Drop me a not at scott_alan_anderson@yahoo.com and let me know.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Randy Clark in Ankeny, Iowa

Randy Clark will be at the School of Healing and Impartation at Heartland Assembly of God in Ankeny, Iowa this week. Check out Heartland's website for more information.

Did you ever wonder what God could do with a can of beans? Havilah Jones in Davenport had one very strange, God experience with a can of beans recently. Havilah works at a Hy-Vee grocery store in Davenport. A customer had picked up the wrong type of refried beans to qualify the purchase under WIC rules. Havilah offered to go find the right beans so she could complete her purchase. When she went back to the aisle, she could not find the store brand of beans. She returned to the register with the same can and apologized to the customer but offered her the can back if she wanted to buy it. As she stretched out her arm to offer the customer the can, she looked down and saw that the can was clearly marked the Hy-Vee store brand.

God is up to some real mind-blowing activities. He is on the move in our area healing people, prophesying to them in the shopping malls, and changing the labels on cans of refried beans. Get ready people. If you aren't already, you need to expect to see some real "Star Wars" kind of stuff happening in your life and the life's of those around you.